Natural (Cermai Fruit)
This plant is a tribe Euphoorbiaceae. In some areas of Indonesia, her name is different. In Aceh called ceremoi, cerme (Gayo), ceramai (Malay), camin-camin (Minangkabau), careme, cerme (Sunda), cerme (Java). In Bali is called Carmen, cermen, careme (Madura), sarume (Bima), etc..
Plant Description
This tree originated in India, can grow on soil and mild to severe land shortage will stand until the excess water. Ceremai many people planted yard, fields and other places up to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level.
Characteristic small tree, height up to 10 m sometimes more, branching many, and thick bark. Leaves single, short-stemmed, arranged in sequence like a leaf stalk forming compound. Leaf blade circular to oblong eggs, pointed tip, base obtuse to rounded, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, smooth hairless, a length of 2 cm to 7 cm, width 1.5 cm to 4 cm. Light green color.
Natural (Cermai Fruit)
When the stalks fall will leave a mark on the real branch. Inflorescence in the form of bunches of length of 1.5 cm to 12 cm, out along the branch, star-shaped petals, a pink crown. There are female and male flowers on one stem. The fruit of stone fruit, flattened spherical shape, curved 6 cm to 8 cm, length 1.25 cm to 1.5 cm, width of 1.75 cm to 2.5 cm, the color yellow, seeded 4 to 6, acid taste. Seeds light brown flat round.
The young leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. Young fruit foam tasty cooked with vegetables for cooking because it gives a sour taste. Ripe fruit can be eaten immediately after being mixed with salt water to reduce the sense of Sepat and acids, sweets or eaten after made jam. Propagation by seed or grafting.
Nature and Benefits
Leaves Ceremai typical aromatic smell, no taste, and efficacious as a laxative and purgative sputum (purgatif). Root bark as a laxative and nutritious fruit.
Natural (Cermai Fruit)
Chemical Ingredients
The leaves, bark, and wood Ceremai contain saponin, flavonoida, tannins, and polyphenols. The roots contain saponin, galus acid, tannic substances, and toxic substances (toxic). While fruit contains vitamin C.
Parts used
The leaves, root bark, and seeds
Leaves Ceremai efficacious for treating cough up phlegm, thin body, nausea, cancer and canker sores. While efficacious skin overcome asthma and skin disease. Seeds efficacious for treating constipation and nausea due to stomach dirty.
How to Use
* Constipation
- Prepare Ceremai seed as much? tea spoon, washed and milled until smooth. Brewed with? cup hot water. While still warm, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until smooth and then drink as well. Perform 2 times daily.
- Prepare the leaves as much as 3 grams Ceremai fresh, washed and finely ground. Brewed with? cup hot water and then cooled. Results of steeping while drunk with dregs.
* Asthma
Prepare Ceremai seed as much as 6 seeds, red onion 2 eggs, roots kara (dolichos lablab)? handheld, longan fruit (Nephelium longanum) 8 eggs, washed and crushed as needed. The material is then boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining 1? glass. After chilling filtered, then taken with sugar water to taste, 2 times a day, respectively? glass.
* Cancer
Prepare Ceremai young leaves as much? handheld, starfruit leaves 1 / 3 handheld, lote upas? finger, Chinese yam? finger, palm sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut as necessary. The material was boiled in 3 cups water until the left about? section. After chilling filtered, ready to drink. 3 times a day, each one enough? glass.
* Streamline Agency
Drinking water Ceremai leaf stew. This medicine works strong, do not use in the long term.
Warning : Liquid poisonous roots. We recommend not using root Ceremai for treatment.
Source: Atlas of Plant Drugs Indonesia Volume 1, Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, Trubus Agriwidya, Member IKAPI, Jakarta, 1999.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Benefits Cermai
Posted by Natural
5:30 PM, under | No comments
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