Natural (Eceng Mumps)
Water hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassiper Mart Solm) that in the border area between the town of Salatiga - Semarang district called bengok or genjer, been seen as a bully who did not bermanfaat.Eceng weed that grows wild hyacinth mediated very much freshwater is found in the Mahakam River , and two large lakes in the aquatic mammal (Kukar) that bog dizziness Semarang regency. Water hyacinth is not rare that the presence of large amounts of very disturbing activities of citizens, for example, disrupt traffic waters, threatening the destruction of cages, and pollute the waters.
But now through a study of Research and Development Area, water hyacinth can be used as a planting medium white oyster mushroom cultivation, composting and handicrafts such as bags, tables, chairs, cupboards, etc.
Natural (Eceng Mumps)
Therefore in order to develop the utilization of water hyacinth as a medium for mushroom cultivation, agricultural development in the broad sense will have an impact on the activities of agricultural technology and many other innovations. So to think about how to develop agricultural innovations included in the utilization of weeds as the planting medium.
With a touch of research and analysis, the expected utilization of weeds is able to contribute an increase in the weeds that will be the main or derivative product. Thus provide benefits in increasing ekonomoi community.
Meanwhile, why choose white oyster mushrooms as a derivative of the water hyacinth that has been processed into the planting medium, said because the prospect of white oyster mushrooms are very promising.
Natural (Eceng Mumps)
Current market needs known oyster mushrooms will benefit the body content which is not yet fulfilled. Selling price was quite high at between 2 to 4 dollars per kilo it. Of the setup process until the media can not be harvested for so long, that is about three months.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Eceng Mumps As Oyster Mushroom Media
Posted by Natural
5:03 PM, under article | No comments
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