Brief of Foreign Exchange and Marketiva
Stock exchange (UK: foreign exchange market, forex) or abbreviated forex trading is a type of trade or transaction currency of a country against another country's currency (the currency pair / pair) that involve major money markets in the world market during 24 hours continuously.
Foreign exchange market movements spun from New Zealand and Australian markets which took place at 5:00 to 14:00 pm, continues into the Asian markets of Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong which took place at 7:00 to 16:00 pm, to European markets of Germany and the UK which took place at 13.00 -22.00 pm, until to the U.S. market which took place at 20:30 to 10:30 pm. In a historic development, the central bank of countries with foreign currency reserves that even the biggest can be defeated by the forces of free foreign exchange market.
According to a survey BIS (Bank for International Settlements, the world's central banks), conducted in late 2004, foreign exchange market transaction value reached more than USD $ 1.4 trillion per day.
Given the level of liquidity and accelerating the movement of these high prices, foreign exchange has also become the most popular alternative because of the ROI (return on investment or return on investment) and profit to be gained can exceed the average trade in general. Due to rapid movement, the foreign exchange market also has a high risk.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Posted by Natural
7:25 PM, under News | 2 comments
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The example you put on Foreign exchange comparison is really helpful for me to understand Foreign exchange comparison.
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