Many women simply get pregnant within a few months of marriage. Many who have to wait longer. A study in the UK states that women should have sex 104 times in 6 months to get pregnant pertamanya.Lovely couplephoto © 2008 Saiful Rizan | more info (via: Wylio)
By applying the following solutions, you may be able more quickly to become pregnant.
Know your ovulation
Every month, there was only limited opportunity for sperm to fertilize an egg. After the egg is released by the ovary and begin its journey through the fallopian tubes toward the uterus (in a process called ovulation), she would live only about 24 hours. If not fertilized by sperm at the time, the chance for pregnancy is lost until next month, when the process is repeated again. That's why knowing when your ovulation is released is very important if you want to get pregnant.
Because the egg only lives for 24 hours, you may think that you should have intercourse on the very day that egg release in order to become pregnant. Fortunately, you have the chance much longer than that. Sperm can live in the female reproductive tract for about 72 hours. Means that if you have sex on day 11 of your cycle and ovulation occurs on day 14, sperm still have a chance to fertilize the egg. (However, your chances of a baby girl will get much bigger in this case).
You can keep track of your menstrual period each month to find out when you ovulate. The best way is to target tracking the days of the most fertile. You will need a thermometer and calendar. Place the thermometer and calendar beside your bed. Since the first day of your net period, measure your temperature every day before getting out of bed in the morning. The body temperature when you wake up this is called basal body temperature (basal body temperature / BBT). Record the results on the calendar. Write also the days of your menstruation. Do it every day of the month. Approximately 14 days after the first day of your menstrual period, you may ovulate (This is only a general reference. In some women ovulation occurs before or after that date). Shortly thereafter, your BBT rises half to one degree and continued to increase until the end of the cycle. (Tip: as a tool, use the next ovulation prediction calculator to predict your ovulation period)
A month in the cycle
Menstruation you:
DAY 1-5. Your menstrual period started on the first day of menstruation. It is important to note that date to calculate the approximate date of your ovulation.
DAY 6-11. "Dry days". You do not menstruate, but you also are not fertile. Your body at this stage is preparing to release an egg.
DAY 12-18. These days you are most fertile. Your body will release an egg on one of the six-day event, so this is the best time to have sex.
DAY 19-32. If you have recently had sex during this period, you have "missed the train". You are almost zero chance of pregnancy.
During the first months of tracking, you will not be able to identify your tersubur days because the temperature rise occurs after ovulation, when it's too late for the sperm to fertilize an egg. That's because after ovulation the mucus thickens and the entrance to a narrow cervix, preventing sperm entry. However, after you map information for one month, you can see your body temperature patterns. Intercourse to get children to do one or two days before the increase in temperature.
Your BBT is often influenced by many factors, including medications, physical activity levels, and disease. Try to keep track of these things on your BBT chart. After about three months, you will be able to identify common patterns. If you do not see any sustained rise in temperature during your monthly cycle, you may not ovulate (though you get your period). You should consult your doctor. There are drugs that can increase success of ovulation.
Have sex in the fertile
Frequency. Do have sex once every two days in the fertile period. Sexual intercourse every other day is more advisable than the relationship every day because of too frequent ejaculation may reduce sperm count. A single ejaculate from a fertile man releases more than 20 million sperm. The amount is more than enough to do the job until the next group arrived 48 hours later.
Position. Not all sexual positions provide equal opportunity for pregnancy. A position that allows the sperm to travel into the cervix is recommended to maximize your chances. This includes the position of dealing with the man on top (missionary position) and position of the rear. The position of sitting, standing and woman on top is not recommended. Empty your bladder before sex, so you do not need to go to the bathroom when you're done doing it. Lie down with a relaxing and quiet. Sperm take about 15 minutes to pass through cervical mucus and up into the fallopian tubes. Lying as long as it will reduce the risk of overflow of sperm from the vagina.
Ejaculation. To get the pregnancy, the expectant father should reach orgasm so that ejaculates in sufficient quantity and quality into the vagina. However, no scientific study whether female orgasm positive effect on pregnancy chances.
Your Opportunities
When you and your spouse fertile and you have regular menstrual cycles, is likely to become pregnant by having sex at the time of ovulation is 15-25%. After three months of practice, 50% of women get pregnant. Within one year, 90% of women get pregnant.
What to do if you are not pregnant? The answer depends on your age. Consult with your doctor if you:
younger than 25 years and has more than one year of unsuccessful trying to get pregnant.
25-30 years old and already more than 9 months of trying did not work to get pregnant.
30-35 years old and already more than 6 months of trying did not work to get pregnant.
older than 35 years and has more than 3 months of trying did not work to get pregnant.
A month in the cycle
Menstruation you:
DAY 1-5. Your menstrual period started on the first day of menstruation. It is important to note that date to calculate the approximate date of your ovulation.
DAY 6-11. "dry days". You do not menstruate, but you also are not fertile. Your body at this stage is preparing to release an egg.
DAY 12-18. These days you are most fertile. Your body will release an egg on one of the six-day event, so this is the best time to have sex.
DAY 19-32. If you have recently had sex during this period, you have "missed the train". You are almost zero chance of pregnancy.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Tips For You to Get Pregnant
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