Plum or prune ferulid contain acid that has anti-cancer compounds. According to research, if these substances are consumed, it can help reduce the risk of colon cancer. It also contains hydroxycinnamate, an antioxidant that can prevent LDL oxidation. Together with a variety of fiber it contains, plums can protect the body from heart attacks and lower cholesterol.
In addition, plums contain borron, a mineral that helps the body absorb calcium, so eating 10-12 dried plums per day can help prevent bone loss and reduce the risk ostheoporosis. In addition, this fruit contains fiber and potassium.
In addition plums can also be eaten to have a sense of sweet, sour and fresh. After experiencing processing, the color of this fruit would switch to black. For the Chinese, black plums help tasty cuisine, especially soups. Black plums contain adequate asid sitrik, beta-sitosterol and triterpene. In addition, he antibakteria contain adequate efficacy, relieve fever, launched a major drainage and disposal of lethal intestinal worms especially roundworms.
2 Responses to "Fruit Plum - Anti-Worm and Anti Bacteria"
What is the most appropriate way of dishes to serve this plum from the health angle, so that should be enjoyed by all age ratings?
it was true, eating plums are very sweet .... constipation can be cured when eating this fruit, sembelitpun can recover ...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Fruit Plum - Anti-Worm and Anti-Bacteria
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can a dried plum dispose all the intestinal worms in a month ?
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