Traditional Medicine (Broccoli / Brassica oleracea VAR ITALICA) |
Broccoli plant was reputedly originally from the Mediterranean area. Just so you know, in ancient Greece this plant has been cultivated. Broccoli arrived in Indonesia around the 1970s. Today we can easily buy broccoli even in traditional markets though. This plant is widely used on the flowers as processed food and medicine.
Well here are some of the properties contained in the flower of broccoli, as well as its composition:
1. According to Riedl prevent respiratory distress, the researchers found that broccoli can increase the production of antioxidant enzymes that could potentially assist with breathing. 200 grams of broccoli may help to increase 101 percent antioxidant enzyme called GSTP1 and 199 percent of another enzyme called NQO1.
2. Increasing the power of the brain Researchers from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society to prove that broccoli contains a compound similar to Alzheimer's disease drugs. Alzheimer's is a form of dementia (memory loss) are most commonly found among elderly people caused by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Broccoli is considered to have anti-acetylcholinesterase most powerful.
Traditional Medicine (Broccoli / Brassica oleracea VAR ITALICA) |
3. Adjusting blood sugar level is proven through research conducted epidemiological team from Harvard University, plants suitable to grow in the highlands is very well taken people with diabetes. The content of chromium and fiber may regulate blood sugar levels, so that the broccoli is also recommended to be consumed with diabetes.
4. Sulforaphan neutralize cancer-causing substances, antioxidants in broccoli may help the body eliminate or neutralize carcinogenic, cancer-causing substances. Please also note that bekarotin substance in broccoli can prevent colon cancer and breast.
5. Detoxify the body's immune system protects the body systems related to the digestive and liver. The content of beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, zinc, sera of vitamin B and folic acid that can strengthen the immune system.
6. Improve Skin beauty Broccoli good for the skin because of its vitamin B2 mengandungan good for skin, hair, and nails. Vitamin B2 and B5 can join the broccoli to alter the metabolism of fat into energy.
Traditional Medicine (Broccoli / Brassica oleracea VAR ITALICA) |
Ingredients: Broccoli contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins (A, C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide), calcium, beta carotene, and glutathione. Additionally, broccoli contains compounds sianohidroksibutena (CHB), sulforafan, and iberin which stimulates the formation of glutathione. . In a serving about 100 grams, broccoli intake accounted for 5% protein and 10% fiber from the total needs of the body.
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