Traditional Medicine (red amaranth) |
SPINACH Amaranthus tricolor L R. HAPPY Yuliasari, S. Farm., Apt. SPINACH
* Spinach originated from tropical America
* There are three varieties of spinach that is included in Amaranthus tricolor, namely:
* Ordinary green spinach,
* Red spinach (Blitum rubrum), which stems and leaves are red, and
* White spinach (Blitum album), a whitish-green SPINACH
* For information, spinach leaves and red stems containing a red liquid.
* In addition to A. tricolor, there are other kinds of spinach, such as spinach snapper (A. hybridus), spinach thorn (A.spinosus), and spinach kotok / spinach ground (A. blitum).
* Type of spinach that is often cultivated A. tricolor and A. hybridus, whereas other species grow wild spinach. SPINACH
* Harvested spinach done unplug the longest for 25 days. After that, the quality will decline because its leaves become stiff.
* Ingredients: Spinach contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, potassium, iron, amarantin, routine, purines, and vitamins (A, B and C). RED SPINACH Utilization: PART USED:
* The plant is used is the leaves and roots.
* Spinach leaves are used for treatment:
+ Clean up blood after childbirth, strengthens hair roots,
+ Low blood pressure,
+ Less blood (anemia), and kidney failure.
+ The root is used for treatment: dysentery RED SPINACH
Traditional Medicine (red amaranth) |
* HOW TO USE: o For drugs taken, provide 25-30 g of fresh leaves, then boiled and eaten as a vegetable. Apart from boiled, spinach can also be juiced for a drink. o For external use only, minced fresh spinach leaves until soft, then paste on bite wounds caused by venomous animals. RED SPINACH
* Less blood:
o Wash three handfuls of spinach leaves red, then mash until smooth. Add 1sendok eating lemon juice, then strain.
o Next, add honey and grain 1sendok eat chicken egg yolk and stir until smooth, then drink it and do quake 1 treatment a day for a week.
o Furthermore, treatment can be done 2 times a week until the disease is cured. RED SPINACH
* Dysentery
o Washing with 10 stems of red amaranth roots thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Add fine tip of a teaspoon salt, stirring rate,
o then strain. For treatment, drinking water filter at a time.
* Strengthen hair roots
o Wash one bunch fresh spinach leaves and stems thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Add fine tip of a teaspoon salt, stirring evenly. Next, squeeze and strain, and drink as well. Perform 2-3kali week.
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