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Traditional Medicine (Wine) |
Because more comfortably consumed, more seedless grapes are sought after. However, should we restrict ourselves only want to eat seedless grapes, if it is chewed and the seeds would enrich his usefulness?
Grapes are thought to be the oldest cultivated plants of man. The proof, in the mummies in Egypt which has more than 3,000 years old found in grape seeds suspected death provision.
Overcome Cancer & Blood Vessel Disorders
The journey of wine as a medicinal food turned out to have originated in the days of ancient Egypt. In addition served as a table fruit in the Greek Empire and Ancient Egypt, the grape has been used as part of the natural treatment of digestive disorders. Now we know why the wine has a property, that is because the content of magnesium is abundant. Magnesium is vital for our bodies as the instigators of the digestive system function.
In addition to its magnesium, the benefits of wine as well as penggelontor stool (bowel movement) due to roughness of the malimpah fiber in the fruit skin. The ability of wine as an intestinal cleanser better because magnesium and fiber content was fortified with a mild laxative (laxative) contained in grapes. Thus the assertion of Dr. Bernard Jensen, author of best-selling book Eating Right For Health, Vitality, and Longevity in another book that is Foods That Heal.
Although beneficial, consuming wine with fruit skins and seeds may irritate the stomach disorder patients. Therefore, if your digestion is sensitive should be careful mengosumsi grape seeds. Train your digestion with a limited number of first mengosumsinya, watching his reaction. Juice grapes have seeds that are processed using a juice extractor, so that drinking raw fiber but OPC-rich compounds, the most recommended for those who have sensitive digestive systems.
Diligent mengosumsi wine or grape juice can raise the spirit, relieve fatigue, and boost immunity. Said Dr Jensen this as impact the ability of grape juice cleanse the liver / liver and invigorate the function of kidneys. Naturally, the grape is an alkaline forming foods (alkaline forming). Nature of forming a base with abundant water content in wine makes blood vessels have a greater capability in flushing toxins and fat deposits in blood vessels. These conditions prevent the narrowing / blockage of blood vessels.
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Traditional Medicine (Wine) |
Grapes also contain enzymes that are tonic activists bile function. Increased bile function will increase the efficiency of conversion of fatty acids form the bile, which will be moved to outside the body, thus preventing the occurrence of surge levels of blood fats (hyperlipidemia). Therefore, diligent eating grapes and grape juice mengosumsi highly recommended for people with hypertension, and cholesterol / blood trigleserida excessive.
In grains of grapes stored many natural fruit sugar, which is a ready-made energy. Dark-colored wines such as red wine, grape blue, and purple grapes are rich in iron, which is the mineral constituent of red blood cells which is a carrier of energy sources. The combination of abundant natural fruit sugar and iron to make us re-powered after chewing with either grapes or drink grape juice in sufficient quantities.
According to Dr. Jensen, eating grapes or fresh grape juice once a day for a week in a row can help invigorate the body drain toxins. To this end, Dr. Jensen recommends that wine consumed on a single (can be combined with different types of grapes, such as red wine and green grapes), but not consumed together with other fruits.
Abundant Grapes anticancer compounds
The vines are most vulnerable to attack mold, fungus or mold fungi especially soot, which in layman's often called the "mushroom". Although disturbing leaf assimilation, which disturb the optimal development of fruit-grapes, fungi attack actually be profitable. Naturally, the vines will form antibody-trihidroksi 3,5,4-trans-stibena, which is popularly known as resveratrol.
When we consume wine, resveratrol also enter into our body and increase the concentration of antibodies, which boost our immune system. A high concentration of resveratrol in the body have been studied are able stabbed the rapid development of unhealthy cells, either in the form of a tumor or cancer. Efficacy of natural resveratrol in grapes has been proven through its ability to suppress cancer cells in three stages. When the early wine consumption, resveratrol would have acted reduce DNA damage in cells at early stages of germination of germ cell cancer.
If any development of cancer cells have moved further than normal cells gradually become cancer cells, resveratrol would still be able to conquer it. In fact, if cancer cells have flourished and spread, resveratrol can remain viable weaken. But of course the strength of the growth of cancer cells could not only suppressed by resveratrol and grapes alone. For that, it needs a diet rich in raw vegetable food (raw food) abundance of antioxidant substances.
The content of these anticancer compounds commonly found in many dark-colored grapes, particularly red wine, grape blue, and purple grapes. The highest content of resveratrol found in grape skins section!
Grape Seed Extract Powerful Fight Aging
We generally prefer seedless grapes. If you're "unlucky" to get grapes have seeds, people would spit out the seeds every time they chew the grapes. In fact, just like flesh, the seeds were abundant grape efficacious compounds.
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Traditional Medicine (Wine) |
Micro minerals that were already known to many primarily found in red wine grape seeds are zinc and manganese. Both the micro minerals are especially important to maintain the male sex libido, to maintain male fertility. Another benefit of zinc and manganese to the health of men is to prevent and help overcome inflammation of the prostate.
Recently sold red grape seed extract supplement, which is claimed could put the brakes on aging, prevent constriction of blood vessels (atherosclerosis), including preventing strokes and heart attacks. In addition, is also said to stimulate the formation of collagen network that will replace old or damaged skin. Compounds that promoted properties are proanthocyanidin (proanthocyanidin), popular with the term OPC.
The discovery of OPC is already happening in 1947. At that time, Dr. Jacques Masquelier from Bordeaux University, France, has the task of government to investigate whether the red color in the cuticle peanuts are toxic, as most livestock is less liked. It turned out instead to be toxic, Dr. Masquelier just find the red pigment in the epidermis of peanuts and then he called proanthocyanidin was actually very powerful antioxidant efficacious. From here he uses his research as a doctoral dissertation material.
A year later he succeeded in isolating OPCs from pine bark. New in 1970, he found OPCs from grape seeds. The term proanthocyanidin is a combination of the words "pro" and "anthocyanin". Anthocyanins are red pigments that appear on the plant when ripe fruit or the leaves ripen and then fall. Pro tantamount to pre, meaning before or raw materials. So, literally means the raw material proanthocyanidin formation of red pigment anthocyanin.
What's interesting about his research, Dr. Masquelier discovered further OPC 20 times the antioxidant power of vitamin C and 50 times the vitamin E! More powerful than the antioxidant power that belongs to vitamin A, C and E. Dr. Masquelier expect this strength comes from the large number of double bonds in molecular chains of carbon atoms OPC. The uniqueness of the molecular composition of the OPC makes far more able to disable free radicals. Therefore, grape seed promises a better ability to reduce aging and encourage cell rejuvenation.
OPC activity make red blood cells contain enough oxygen, so avoid the adhesions to one another. Thus, the flow of oxygen and nutrients in the blood vessels take place smoothly. In addition to skin cells will be maintained freshness, this condition also makes the internal organs remain healthy, and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Compared to antioxidant supplements vitamin A and E, grape seed extract supplements are safer. OPC is soluble in water, so overdose intake of OPC will be thrown out of the body especially with urine. Optimum dosage of grape seed extract supplements are recommended is 150-200 mg per day, divided into 2-3 times the drink. Prioritizing supplements grape seed extract containing at least 95 percent of the OPC. Supplements that contain less than the amount, usually at most 85 percent, thought not of OPC grape seed but from pine trees.
Note the packaging label. Supplements grape seed extract a good grape crop is processed from organic and grown in an environment without pollution. It's better when you can get the product to guarantee it does not contain residues of hazardous materials. Because the OPC invigorate the function of drug allergy, then you should supplement grape seed extract is taken 2 hours after taking allergy medications.
Source : Nirmala Magazine, cybermed.cbn.net.id
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