Traditional Medicine (Four o'clock Flower) |
In addition to the above name, this plant has a different name. Flowers early afternoon, a small-time flower (Sumatra); Kederat, segerat, tegerat (Java), Kupa Oras, cako secret (Maluku); Paranggi flowers, flowers parengki (Sulawesi); At AMPA, turaga, bodoko Sina, what tete interest (Sulawesi) and Mo Zi li (China);
External use :
1. For breast swelling (acute mastitis), boils, sores, wounds hit, ezcema, crushed fresh plant for external use or boiled with enough water to wash. Leaves are maturatif (accelerated ripening boils.) use:
2.Untuk Acute arthritis: boiled fresh roots, to drink. When the body heat, plus the know, when cold body
plus cow foot, white flowers as much as 120 gr. boiled, drinking.
3. To boil :
• On the boil a little hazelnut oil lubricated. Four o'clock flower leaf dilayukan on fire, then dabbed a bit
of coconut oil, middle dilubang and put it on the boil.
• 10 sheets at four o'clock flower leaves are washed, then crushed, plus salt to taste water, placed in
the abscess and surrounding, Ialu bandaged.
• Fresh Roots kuhtnya discarded, then crushed and added palm sugar. Paste in the sores, and replaced
a day 2 x (twice).
Traditional Medicine (Four o'clock Flower) |
4. For acne :
fruits contain starch, are made of flour powder. Starch powder was added water, then applied.
Pregnant women are forbidden to wear. To boil, can not use the materials from iron (pans, spoons, and other)
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