Natural (Spice Fragrant Bath Recipes) |
Indonesia is rich with various legacy. Among them are various kinds of medical herbs and traditional ingredients, one of which is a bath herb.
Natural (Spice Fragrant Bath Recipes) |
Bathing is generally very reliable herbs to refresh the body. However, it turns out bath herbs have several other uses, namely:
- Refreshing entity
- Helps to eliminate impurities on the skin
- Reduces muscle tension
- Makes the skin smooth and therefore look youthful and radiant
Although many salons and a few traditional places provide bath herbs, you can do it and make yourself at home.
To conduct its own herb bath, use a recipe and composition as follows:
- Leaves are glued
- Secang
- Meeting sleigh
- Mesoyi
- Pandan Leaves
How to use:
Spices are boiled with water ± 2 liters, after boiling ± 5 minutes, then removed mixed with cold water to taste. Spice ready to take a bath.
To take a bath soak, boil spices such as how the first, after lifting boil then mix with cold water to taste, and use to soak ± 10 minutes.
Natural (Spice Fragrant Bath Recipes) |
Besides some uses as mentioned above, the herb is also good bath once used for STEAM SHOWER / BATH SPA.
And for women believed to also be used to cebok spices (you can scent vagina and reducing excess mucus).
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