Natural (Jack Fruit) |
Jackfruit is the name of a type of tree, as well as fruit. Jackfruit trees belonging to the tribe Moraceae, scientific name is Artocarpus Heterophyllus. In English, known as Jackfruit jackfruit. Jackfruit trees are generally of medium size, up to about 20 feet high, although some have reached 30 meters. Round stems cylindrical, up to about 1 meter in diameter.
Dense canopy and dense, broad and rounded when the place opens. All parts of plants out thick white sap when injured. Fruit compound (syncarp) elongated spindle-shaped, often uneven, the length to 100 cm, on the outer side forming the outside of short spines.
Meat pieces are actually the development of the flower tent, golden yellow when ripe, aromatic sweet violent, fleshy sometimes filled with fluid (nectar) is sweet. Oval-shaped seeds until slightly flattened ellipse, the length of 2-4 cm, respectively - also covered by a thin brown seed coat such as leather, endokrap a hard whitish clay, and soft eksokrap. Seed pieces are not symmetric.
Natural (Jack Fruit) |
Type Jackfruit
Sliced fruit jackfruit jackfruit tree originated from seed, start flowering at the age of 2-8 years. While originating from clones start flowering throughout the year. However, in Thailand and India harvest occurs between January to August, while in Malaysia between April to August or September to December.
Varian jackfruit very many kinds, either by looking at the trees and the physique - the plants, sense and nature - the nature of the fruit, as well as properties - properties that can not easily be seen as the growing ability of variations - variations in the environment. In terms of nature - the nature of the fruit, generally recognize two major groups namely:
1. Jackfruit pulp (Indonesia and Malaysia), which also referred to as khanun lamoud (Thailand), Vela (Sri Lanka) or koozha chakka (South India); with thin pieces of meat, fibrous, soft and mush, sweet and sour taste, and smell nice sharp.
2. Jackfruit salak (Ind.), jackfruit rawhide (Mal.), khanun nang (Thai), varaka (Sri Lanka), or koozha PUSHAM (South India); with thick flesh, hard, flaky, slightly sweet taste bitter, and not so fragrant.
Jackfruit can berkimpoi cross with naturally similar to jackfruit. The result of cross-named similar to jackfruit jackfruit.
Benefits of Plants
* Meat young jackfruit (tewel) used as vegetable food.
* Jackfruit seed flour used as raw material for food industry (food ingredient mixture).
* The young leaves can be used as cattle feed.
* Wood jackfruit is considered more superior than the finger for making furniture, building construction turning lathe, mast, for the pole horse and cow manure (at Priangan), paddles, tools, and musical instruments.
* Jackfruit tree can be used as traditional medicine.
Natural (Jack Fruit) |
Results and Uses
Jackfruit mainly harvested fruit. "Meat fruit" which are often eaten cooked in a fresh condition, mixed in the ice, blended into drinks (juice), or processed into various types of local food: lunkhead jackfruit, jack fruit compote, jams jackfruit, jackfruit fried flour, jackfruit chips, and other - other.
Jackfruit is also used as fragrances, ice cream and drinks, made by honey jackfruit, concentrate or flour. Jackfruit seeds, known as "concrete", can be boiled and eaten as a source of additional carbohydrates. The fruit is very popular with young jackfruit as a vegetable ingredient. In Sumatra, especially in the Minangkabau, known for jackfruit curry dishes. In West Java, among others, young jackfruit cooked as a vegetable ingredient acid.
In Central Java, known for a variety of dishes with basic ingredients young jackfruit (called Gori), such as ve vegetables, vegetable megena, oseng - oseng Gori, and do not Gori (young jackfruit vegetable). In Yogyakarta, especially young jackfruit cooked as warm. While diseputaran Jakarta and West Java, hump male flowers (called Babal or tongtolang) is often used as a salad ingredient.
Ketupat jackfruit curry, sample preparations of the "fruit" young jackfruit. Leaves - leaves jackfruit is the preferred feed goats, sheep and cattle. The fibrous bark, can be used as materials in the past the rope and also used as clothing material. Resin used in the mixture to trap the bird, to putty (add) boat and other - other.
Jackfruit leaves may be burned to ashes and mixed with coconut munyak then washed for treating ulcers and wounds as ubat.
The roots may be boiled and drunk jackfruit for treating fever and diarrhea ass.
Fruit may be eaten ripe jackfruit which continues to decrease body temperature, as well as tonic julap.
Jackfruit seeds may be boiled and eaten as pelawas pee, throw the wind and also julap.